Why Choose a Hosted VoIP PBX For Your Business Voip Solution?

1. Calls are Cheaper

No matter what your industry, call costs for business VoIP service is significantly cheaper than call costs for analog phone service. Switch and save.

2. Equipment is Less Expensive

With hosted VoIP the only equipment you have to purchase is the phones, Internet connect, and VoIP service. Electing to go the hosted VoIP PBX provider route allows businesses to forgo the large expense associated with purchasing an onsite phone system. With hosted VoIP, the hosting company keeps the equipment at their location and allow you to access it via the Internet.

3. Less Maintenance

If you're using a hosted PBX system, then all IT support, maintenance and upgrades will be handled by your solution provider. This will allow you to reduce your staff and cut costs in IT. You'll also be able to reduce staff in the administrative department. After setting up an automated attendant greeting and automatic call transfer, customers will be easily routed to your line without the assistance of an employee.

4. Easy add new Phones

With a hosted VoIP PBX adding a new line is simple. All you need to do is purchase a new VoIP phone, plug it in and order an additional line. Following this you will be up and running!

5. Hosted VoIP PBX Systems are Perfect for Telecommuters

All a telecommuter needs to access the full range of feature of the office phone system at home is a VoIP phone and an Internet connection. Simply plug it in and they are good to go! Telecommuting reduces travel expenses, saves money on office space and utilities. Also, when employers have the option to hire outside of their area they can pull from a greater talent pool.

6. Use Hosted VoIP to Unify Your Communications

Many hosted PBX systems offer unified communications abilities. With a hosted business VoIP system you can enjoy the luxury of having voicemails and faxes sent straight to your inbox. You'll also be able to integrate your outlook contacts and ultimately, saves time and increases productivity.

7. Access Innovative Features

Dynamic auto attendant, advanced ACD & call queue, unified voice and fax messaging, visual call reports and the option to record calls are just some of the hot features that can come with a hosted VoIP PBX system. If you pick the right provider you can access a feature offering that you'll love.

As a Marketing Communications Manager at FreedomVOICE, John E Lincoln is responsible for educating consumers about the tremendous benefits that Hosted VoIP PBX has to offer. This includes cost savings, productivity increasing features, unique support for remote workers, and more. Find out more about FreedomIQ and business VoIP service.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/3559630

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